Top 10k strings from 007 Spy N (1984)(ZX-Guaranteed)(Side A).tzx
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2 PLAY A TAPE 2 G.A.MAXSPY 2 G.A.007 SPY 2 G.A. Bobker 2 "G.A.TRICKY" 1 }@*&@"!@! @p 1 WOULD OVERLOAD. COPY NOW 1 PRESS R TO RESTART THIS PROGRAM 1 N=NEXT PAGE C=COPY R=RESTART 1 GETTING ROUND PROBLEM PROGRAMS 1 G.A.TRICKYe 1 G.A.TRICKYd 1 G.A.TRICKY# 1 G.A.TRICKY 1 G.A.SIDE1 7 1 G.A.BOBKER 1984 1 G.A.007SPYo 1 G.A.007SPY 1 For David Batty 1 C=COPY R=RESTART S=STOP 1 C=COPY R=RESTART 1 ;"TRICKY MAKER"; 1 ;"PLAY IN LONG SECTION"'''' 1 ;"LOADING TRICKY SPY" 1 ;"LOADING 007 SPY"; 1 ;"HOLD S key till message RELEASE" 1 ;"********************************* It is LEGAL to make copies of** your own tapes provided that ** it is for your OWN USE ONLY. *********************************" 1 ;"(IGNORE WEIRD PATTERN ON SCREEN)"''''" When all Loaded,press ENTER to start Copying to Back-Up tape.": 1 ;" Starts to SAVE " 1 ;" RELEASE KEY ": 1 2.@:)@<<2)@ 1 007 Spy N - Side A 1 /@2(@:(@2.@> 1 *FILE* 1 '"ONLY use the FILE48 on side 2 ifMAXSPY can not copy long section"''"Simply Load MAXSPY, play in yourlong section. When all in, placeyour Back-Up tape in recorder, set to recorder then press ENTER After copy has been made, theMAXSPY deletes itself.": 1 '"If a copy persists in giving theTAPE LOADING ERROR, and using TRICKY cannot cure it, then do try another tape or tape-machine"''"Note that it may not be possibleto make copies of copies made bytape-to-tape method."'' 1 &TZXed by Andrew Barker 1 "made by Stopping tape, copying part already in, then play in the next part...not that easy, but can be done after a few goes(It is easier to listen for tonerather than watch screen).": 1 "If your program keeps insisting it is a Headerless-File on very first part, most likely it is a bad recording.To get around thisstart playing YOUR tape without the EAR lead in. As soon as you hear the tone, push EAR lead in.This simply starts with the tonepart way thro'. If this doesn't cure the problem, try TRICKY." 1 "If this appears, copy to tape & then press R to Restart and Loadin rest of your tape, then copy it onto your Back-Up tape. Copy WILL play as per original." 1 "HEADER-READER on side 2 gives length of program parts but it CANNOT if it's a Headerless-File"''"Some programs have a superlong section of over 41700 Bytes.Copyshort parts using 007SPY, then Load in MAXSPY to copy the long section. Length can be gauged bytiming. If it takes over 3 mins to play in a section, then that section is over 41700 Bytes.": 1 "G.A.SIDE1" 1 "G.A.MAXSPY" 1 "G.A.007SPY" 1 "Designed to copy upto 65279 Byte"''"Can copy a full 48K program if aHeader, or upto 48900 if it is aHeaderless-File.(Headerless-Fileof 48K can be copied using the FILE48 on side 2). Altho' these two programs could have been combined, do you really want a program which asks YOU if it is Headerless or not?" 1 "Copies ALL except the superlong,BUT only copies them part at a time. Only use TRICKY if copies made by 007SPY cannot be made towork.(It may be a program vith a""FALSE HEADER"")."''"Simply Load ""G.A.TRICKY"",play inYOUR tape and each time message C=COPY appears, copy it to your Back-Up tape." 1 "9";"Press S to make": 1 "7";"TO MAKE MASTER SPY"; 1 "7";"G.A.TRICKY": 1 "6";"ALL MY PROGRAMS CAN COPY BASIC, MACHINE-CODE & HEADERLESS-FILES.Can even copy most other copiersalthough they cannot copy this 007SPY cassette! ": 1 "6";" Must rewind your tape slightly since 007SPY had read in start.": 1 "2";"WOULD OVERLOAD, COPY NOW" 1 "12";"MAXMAKER"; 1 "1";"Press & hold down S key until"; 1 "007SPY cannot copy any of self, and in unlikely event of anyone else naming their program with G.A. at start, it would not copythem. BUT, CAN be copied by use of the HEADER-READER on side 2."''"If a program has no gaps betweentwo or more Headerless-Files,thecopier wouldn't know there are more than one. YOU must make thegap by Stopping the tape at end of File. By LISTENING for the tone at start of File (or start of program) the ""gap"" can be " 1 "'"If a HEADERLESS-FILE is read in,007SPY jumps to message C=COPY, etc, as these are generally at end of a program. Length of sucha File CANNOT be checked untill AFTER it has been read in,and itis possible that it may crash orlock-up 007. If so, re-try, but this time copy in two goes." 1 " This is a MULTI-SECTION copier."''"Play in ALL your progam.When allLoaded in, press Break key till message C=COPY, etc, appears on video. Place Blank tape in your recorder, set to record, then press C to make copy."'"Some Multi-part programs CANNOT be all done in one go as total of all parts exceeds User Memoryarea length. In these cases, the007SPY will give message:"' 1 NO COPIER CAN COPY EVERYTHING, BUT THE 007SPY SUITE GIVES YOU AGREATER POSSIBILITY THAN OTHER. 1 Copyright G.A.BOBKER 1984 1 Copyright 1 COPYRIGHT G.A.BOBKER 1984"; 1 BOBKER 1984 1 COPYING 1 C=COPY 1 > 1